IRAS Extends Tax Filing Deadlines; Taxpayer Counter Services by Appointment Only

April 6, 2020

  • Filing deadlines extended for (i) Individual Income Tax, (ii) GST returns for accounting period ending Mar 2020, (iii) Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) for companies with Financial Year ending Jan 2020, (iv) Income Tax for trusts, clubs and associations
  • One-month extension of submission deadlines for (i) S45 Withholding Tax Forms due in April 2020 and (ii) tax clearances
  • Connect with IRAS digitally where possible

As part of its support for taxpayers in light of the latest measures to manage the COVID-19 situation, the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) is providing an automatic extension of deadlines for tax filing for individuals and businesses:

 S/N  Tax Type  Original Filing Deadline  Extended Filing Deadline New
 1 Income Tax for Individuals (including sole proprietors and partnerships) 18 Apr 2020 31 May 2020
 2 Income Tax for TrustsClubs and Associations 15 Apr 2020 31 May 2020
 3 Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) for companies with Financial Year ending Jan 2020 30 Apr 2020 31 May 2020
 4 GST Returns for accounting period ending Mar 2020 30 Apr 2020 11 May 2020
 5 S45 Withholding Tax Forms due in Apr 2020 15 Apr 2020 15 May 2020
 6 Tax Clearances for foreign employee in Apr 2020   – 1 additional month

Taxpayers who can file earlier should continue to do so.

Taxpayer Counter Services by Appointment only
In line with Singapore’s elevated set of safe distancing measures, from 7 April to 4 May 2020, taxpayers requiring face-to-face tax filing assistance and other taxpayer counter services must make an appointment two (2) working days in advance before visiting the e-Filing Service Centre (EFSC) and the Taxpayer and Business Service Centre (TBSC) at Revenue House.

Connect with IRAS Digitally
Taxpayers with enquiries are encouraged instead to connect with IRAS digitally via the following digital channels:

For their convenience, taxpayers may directly access myTax Portal for the following e-Services:

  • Filing of Tax Forms and Returns, such as:
    • Personal Income Tax Returns – Form B/B1/P/M
    • Corporate Tax Estimated Chargeable Income
    • Corporate Tax Forms C/CS
    • Tax Clearance Form IR21
    • GST Returns
    • Section 45 Withholding Tax
  • Request for Tax Filing Extension
  • View Tax Amount Payable
  • Object to Tax Assessment
  • Make Payment
  • Apply GIRO Payment Plan
  • Appeal for Waiver of Late Payment and Filing Penalties

Scam Alert

IRAS would like to take this opportunity to advise taxpayers to beware of scams sent via WhatsApp or calls, purportedly by IRAS asking for personal information. IRAS will not ask taxpayers to make a payment to a third party’s bank account through WhatsApp or telephone call.

Taxpayers may also follow IRAS on the following official platforms for updates:

For more information, please visit

Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore